I'm a bunny!

From: mmccall@vader.cc.emory.edu (BAXTER the WonderLop! *thumpa* *thumpa* *thump*)
Newsgroups: alt.pets.rabbits
Subject: Hop hop hop

Hello, all!
Mom wandered out of the room for a second so I snuck into the room and turned on the puter. I am SO smart. >:x)
I was going to just chew on the cords, but since I already chewed my quota for the day, I figured I'd try to learn how to p[ost to USENET.
I am a smart wabbit.
I see she told you about Hallowe'en. I was really bummed with all the changes to MY house. All the redecorating made me stressed! When they moved my favorite recliner (I like to hide behind it and watch everyone) I protested by pooping in the VERY MIDDLE of the living room! I was very bad to do that. >:x)
Anyway, I got a little extra apple as my treat and it made me get bun runs and scared Mom a LOT! So I missed out on the festivities and had to eat that yecchy hay I don't like. No grapes or raisins for two whole days! Man, I didn't like THAT at all. >:x( But I'm feeling great now, so I guess that was what had to be done.)
I've learned which crisper drawer *my* food is in, and Mom opened up the fridge to give me some parsley and I had to hop over and inspect. So I put my front paws on the drawer and peeked in and asked for some mint. I really like that mint, and the vet says it's good for me! Since I was so smart, I got mint AND parsley. (I suspect it was because I was so darn cute, too. I do the cute thing really well.) >;x)
Oh, I did do a naughty thing--I chewed ALL THE WAY through a phone cord. Mom told Dave and Steve and Todd to put the cord out of my reach, but they didn't listen and I chewed RIGHT through it. It was cool! I got a little tingle, but didn't get hurt. I tried chewing some other cords and got yelled at. What's the big deal? They look just like carrots to me, especially the big orange extension cord Dave uses for his light when he works on his Jeep. And it's really fun to chew on them! I try to do it at night when everyone's asleep. >:x)
Hallowe'en night, Toddy dressed up as some guy named Michael Myers! He smelled like latex and I didn't like that. I wouldn't let him pat me! He was SCARY. Then he said "hi" and I knew who it was. I told you I'm smart! So he picked me up and scritched my ears and I shed all over him. That's something else I'm REALLY good at: shedding! I poop and shed and chew with the best of 'em. >;x)
We had a party on Saturday when I was feeling icky. Mom put me downstairs in my extra cage with a towel so I wouldn't be bugged by all the people. I liked that! Nice and cool, and I got to keep an ear on everyone coming and going out of the front door. I was going to run up the stairs during the party--I figured out how to go up all by myself!--but since I was feeling run down (no pun intended) Mom picked me up in a big fluffy towel and plopped my Hallowe'en costume cape on top of me and I held really still so it wouldn't fall off. Then everyone got to tell me how cute and good I was and scritch my nose and ears. That was really cool, I liked that! >;x)
Even the big tough musician guys came in to see me and pat me. I have new friends named Max and Andy and Jenny and Frank. I wanted to run around their ankles, but since I was really tired, I just waggled at them from inside my hutch. I'm used to running around when I want to, and I didn't like the door being shut! I hopped back and forth really hard and made the hutch sway but I wasn't let out. I guess I could have gotten stepped on or eaten a cheeto or something, but I missed out on some of the human fun! Rats. >:x(
I've learned to squeeze under the couch--it's really dusty under there, Mom!--and sit with the dust bunnies. Then I come out and *I* am a dust bunny! The boys think I should run under all the furniture once a week to dust it. I daresay I'd do a good job! The floor has never been cleaner. >:x)
Well, I hear Mom coming back. She'll probably expect me to be sitting quietly like a little sausage on the waterbed where I was left, so I better get hopping! I'll be sure to get a lot of petting if I beat her back and look innocent! >:x)

See you later!

Baxter the WonderLop! >:x)

(using Mom's account to post. don't tell!) >;x)

The preceding message has nothing to do with Emory Hospital.
It was sent from a private machine on personal time.
I hope the best day of your past is the worst day of your future.

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