Ode to Odie

From: gmoriart@grieg.helios.nd.edu (Keylime)
Newsgroups: alt.stupidity
Subject: Ode to Odie

Thank you Jonathon for that moving ode to salt. It isn't often enough that we take time from our busy days to reflect on all the wonderous blessings that salt bestows upon us.

Since we are in the ode mood tonight, I'd like to take this opportunity to read one of my own. While we often sing the praises of inanimate objects such as salt and bacon, we have neglected to honor one of the greatest pioneers in our field. Let us bow our heads and give due respect to that lovable dog whose stupidity has inspired us all.


Ode to Odie
by Keylime

Small yellow dog
Big red tongue
He runs around in circles
And eats his dung

Oh dear odie
You're such an idiot
Your charm is unending
But your wisdom is intermediate

You wag that cute little tail
And jump up on Jon's bed
You always fall off the table
Damn boy, have you got rocks in that head?

Virtue and honor adorn you
Your stupidity is never fleeting
You must be the product
Of some serious doggie inbreeding

Odie, with humble hearts
We salute you
Your brain is made of crap
But your loyalty is true

You're an officer and a gentleman
You've got such high class
Now get the fuck out of here
Before I kick your yellow ass.

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